In the following, we shall see some applications of physics in economic policy making.

In universe, protons and electrons follow the same law. So in society, workers ought to have the same rights as consumers have. For example, a worker can work at any time "if he wants to"; he can have many jobs together, since consumer can consume many supplies simultaneously. A consumer can change consumption freely, why a worker can not change jobs freely?

In universe, a charge outputs field to space, when other charges receive the field, their motion changes at once. So in a perfect market, each consumer and worker outputs his possible contracts into common market, which will increase his satisfaction when being accepted by others. When receivers accept the possible contract, the source pursuer will execute the contract at once. This is the most efficient way in contract reaching, similar to stock market.

In universe, field can change at any time. So in perfect society, a person can exit from a contract at any time. When one exits from a contract, maybe others will go on with it, for example, a free electron substituting a bounded electron in an atom. Sometimes the contract will be stopped when there is no successor, i.e., when an atom losing electron(s). This will give each pursuer the largest freedom to choose contracts.

In universe, all field are equally propagated; in society, different producers' products ought to be propagated in the same way, large companies do not have privilege.

In universe, a particle moves in space continuously. So in perfect market, employee can not be dismissed or hired at once. Working hour ought to change continuously.

In space, possible states are always prepared to be occupied no matter they are occupied or not. In a perfect market, a worker ought to know many possible jobs, so he can increase their working hours when one employer reduces his working hours.

Information about personal behaviors ought to be private secrets so that a person can not play game--behaviors based on the prediction of others' behaviors. Predicting others' behaviors is forbidden in a perfect pursuit system. If you want to accept a contract, you accept it, or you refuse it. If you want to get extra happiness from a contract by taking advantage of others' difficulties, it is imperfect. A game player in a perfect pursuit system always reduces total pursued quantity in whole system. The player can increase his pursued quantity if he is intelligent enough and when number of players is small enough. When number of intelligent players is large enough, like in present society, even players¡¯ pursued quantity will be smaller than that in a perfect pursuit system and non-players' situation might be even worse.

In a perfect market, market surplus, like photons, exists forever. Idealized central planned economy can avoid market surplus, but it is unnecessary.

Demands violating basic natural laws are not permitted in a perfect pursuit system, no matter how slightly the violation is. In society, pursuers have some bad demands, like demand to order others--to let others accept contracts they do not want to accept; demand to discriminate pursuers far away from others¡ªuniverse does not discriminate pursuer far away from others; demand to win competition(so competition will be stronger and stronger)--in universe two like charges never be accelerated toward each other.

In universe, a pursuer chooses its motion by its properties only, like charge, mass, etc, so depriving an independent person of his right to choose possible contracts is wrong. So if a pursuer is rational enough, his expenditure ought to be totally controlled by himself, and public expenditure ought to be eliminated in perfect society.

Reaching a contract must be agreed by both sides, forcing or cheating another person to accept it is wrong(even in the name of democracy, like public expenditure).

In universe, a pursuer can not save its pursued quantity for future use, so there is no saving, no interest at least, in perfect society. Similarly, there is not debt or loan in perfect society either. In a perfect society, everything is rented, when you earn more, you rent more(nothing is owned by a pursuer).

Of course, there is no country border, a pursuer can move freely in whole space without limitations of immigration law, and his possible contracts can propagate in whole market freely.

If everyone follows perfect methods, like in universe, there is no government, police, etc., and no tax.

If economy develops faster when following all natural laws, this will indirectly prove imitation theory and prove the teleological explanations for natural laws. If you think these methods are better than methods in present society, maybe you would like to start considering whether universe is a perfect pursuit system or not.

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